#Day16:Docker for DevOps Engineers.

#Day16:Docker for DevOps Engineers.


3 min read

🐳 Docker for DevOps Engineers πŸš€

Hey there, fellow DevOps Engineers! πŸ‘‹ Today, we're diving into the wonderful world of Docker, the magical software platform that makes our lives easier when it comes to building, testing, and deploying applications! πŸŽ‰

What's Docker all about? πŸ€”

Well, Docker is like a magic box πŸ“¦ that contains everything your application needs to run smoothly. It wraps up your software, libraries, system tools, code, and runtime into neat little packages called containers πŸ“¦πŸƒ. These containers are super consistent and can run anywhere, so you don't have to worry about compatibility issues anymore! πŸ’―

Tasks for Today! πŸ“

First things first, make sure you've already installed Docker . Once you're all set, let's jump into some fun exercises! 🎯

  1. docker run: This command is your best buddy when it comes to starting a new container and playing with it through the command line. Try it out with docker run hello-world 🌟. It's like saying "Hello, Docker!" to the world! πŸ˜„


     docker run hello-world


  2. docker inspect: If you want to know all the nitty-gritty details about a container or image, just use docker inspect. It's like peeking inside the container to see what's happening! πŸ”


     docker inspect my_container

    Output: Lots of detailed information about the container πŸ“‹

  3. docker port: Need to find out the port mappings for a container? Use docker port. It's like a treasure map πŸ—ΊοΈ that leads you to the right door! πŸšͺ


     docker run -d -p 8080:80 my_web_app
     docker port my_web_app


     80/tcp ->
  4. docker stats: Monitoring is essential, right? Check out docker stats to get a sneak peek at how your containers are using resources. It's like a health checkup for your app! πŸ’“


     docker stats my_container


     CONTAINER ID   NAME         CPU %     MEM USAGE / LIMIT     MEM %     NET I/O     BLOCK I/O   PIDS
     abcdef123456   my_container  0.50%     100.2MiB / 1GiB     10.02%    1.5kB / 0B  7.25MB / 0B  20
  5. docker top: Wondering what's happening inside a container? docker top gives you a peek at the processes running inside. It's like being a detective πŸ” in the container world!


     docker top my_container


     PID    USER     TIME      COMMAND
     1234   root     0:00      nginx
     5678   root     0:00      node app.js
  6. docker save and docker load: When you want to share your awesome images with others, docker save comes to the rescue. It saves an image to a tar archive. And when you want to load an image from a tar archive, use docker load. It's like mailing packages πŸ“¦ to your friends!


     docker save -o my_image.tar my_image:latest
     docker load -i my_image.tar

That's a wrap! 🎬

Today, we covered some basic but powerful Docker commands. Docker makes life easier by keeping your applications contained and ready to run wherever you need them. πŸƒπŸ’¨ So, go ahead and experiment with these commands to become a Docker expert! You'll find it incredibly handy in your DevOps journey! πŸš€